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I found a study supporting Asterozoa for Echonodermata Will add tree soon
This study new phylogenic tree with 10p% bootstrap suplort
Great! Feel free to add the tree in the curator so it can be included in the synthetic tree https://tree.opentreeoflife.org/curator Contact me if you have any questions!
I cannot make a GitHub account. When I try, it says the password has been compromised to athird party breach.
Sounds like you are trying to use a password on a list of known hacked passwords. Try creating your account with a different password:
Thank you. I will try to add the tree now.
I added the study but I don't know how to add the tree. I mentioned this in the notes section but I searched for it later and couldn't find it. Hopefully someone else finds it and knows how to add the trees from the study.
I am sorry I couldn't add it. The good news is that people who know what they are doing can add the tree, I put the DOI url on the study somewhere. I can add it here, https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msu235
The title of the study is Phylogenomic Interrogation of Arachnida Reveals Systemic Conflicts in Phylogenetic Signal
I think I tagged it as Arachnida
I found a study that should shed more light on ameobozoan relationships.
I am searching for molecular studies to attempt to resolve eukaryotes phylogeny. The more phylogenies that are incorporated, the more data we can incorporate into the synthetic tree, hopefully resulting in more accuracy.
I fond a study revealing that Cepaea is polyphyletic
This link brings you to a page detailing the various hypotheses as to how the various mollusca Claude’s are related. Please give it a read. http://comenius.susqu.edu/biol/202/animals/protostomes/spiralia/trochozoa/mollusca/mollusca-description.html
Here is a phylogenies tree of vascular plants. It’s good to have more data. I am not correcting anything, just showing a phylogeny that, if not already incorporated, could be incorporated. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Cladogram-of-extant-lineages-of-vascular-plants-based-on-Pryer-et-al-2001-2004fig1266864861
I found a study finding Escavates at the root and SARP and AMR being the next brannches
I was curious about Mollusca phylogeny and found a study i will link to which gathered various morphological and molecular trees to determine the many differences that exist in phylogenic trees of Mollusca
I found a study about Chaetognath that places them as the sister group to the rest of Prodtostomes
perhaps it would be a good idea to make the tree monophyletic
Edit: paraphyletic
Hi Danielle, Thank you for your comments! Have you seen how to upload trees into the curator? More information is here: https://github.com/OpenTreeOfLife/opentree/wiki/Submitting-phylogenies-to-Open-Tree-of-Life It is the best way to update the relationships in the tree. Contact me if you want any information or help on how to do that! ejmctavish@ucmerced.edu
I added a chelicerata study to the database but I don't know how to add trees, and I tried searching for the study and had trouble finding it
I added a chelicerata study to the database but I don't know how to add trees, and I tried searching for the study and had trouble finding it
I've been searching for info about isopods and found this study
Pelmatozoa is no longer a clade. The members do not share common ancestry
I’ve been reading about how Archaea and Eukaryota might be closely related to each other more than to bacteria
and https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-microbiology/chapter/archaeal-genetics/
I think you should take a look at this
The latest research shows life may be 3.8, or even 4.1 billion years old, not 3.5 as shown in the Circle of Life. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionaryhistoryof_life This matters greatly since the earlier life began on Earth, the easier it presumably is to establish. This has profound effects on our expectations for life on other worlds too, as we ramp up our collection of Earth-like planets in the galaxy and beyond. Please consider updating the origin of life date in your model.
Hi, Thanks for the comment. I agree that the age is an important thing to get right. I think you are referring to the tree that appeared https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/all-2-3-million-species-are-mapped-into-a-single-circle-of-life/ While that tree is based on work of this project, the age isn't. We are hoping to have age estimates for the nodes of the tree at some point, but currently our tree does not have age estimates.
Is it possible to get a high resolution of the image that appeared in Science Magazine (http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/09/first-comprehensive-tree-life-shows-how-related-you-are-millions-species)? It would be great to print and frame it. Also I would imagine the great breadth of variation that could be used in different representations of taxa. Any thoughts in this?
Thanks, Nick
| Metadata | Do not edit below this line | | :-- | :-- | | Author | Nick Payne | | Upvotes | 0 | | URL | https://tree.opentreeoflife.org/contact">/contact | | Target node label | | | Synthetic tree id | | | Synthetic tree node id | | | Source tree id(s) | | | Open Tree Taxonomy id | | | Supporting reference | None |
Was anything ever done with this? I would also love to get a high resolution of this image (as I want to print a large version to frame and put on my wall)