This is a development version
of the Open Tree of Life website!
Data and services may be out of date or
untested. The production site (the place to
do real work) is

Contact Us

GitHub logo All of our software is on GitHub, and you can leave bug reports and feature request as an issue in our feedback repo.
Visit our Gitter room Most of our project conversation happens in a public chat room on Gitter. Clicking the logo at left will take you to the room. You can browse without logging in, or use your GitHub account to join the conversation.
Google Groups logo We have three public google groups:
1. opentreeoflife: general mailing list
2. opentreeoflife-software: software discussion (largely deprecated in favour of Gitter; see above)
3. opentreeoflife-announce: announcements of new releases and features; only admins can post

